Humanism is a non-religious approach to life shared by millions of people in the UK. Humanists rely on evidence and reason to discover truths about the universe, and put human welfare and happiness at the centre of their ethics. Humanists see no persuasive evidence for an afterlife or any discernible purpose to the universe, but believe human beings can act to make their own lives meaningful, find happiness in the one life they they have, and support others to do the same. For more information about humanism click here, where you will also find advice on further reading.
Our How to use… guide is the best place to start.
All our resources can be found here. They are organised into a number of different themes that correspond to core features of a humanist approach to life.
You can find humanist perspectives on wide range of topics here, including many of the ethical debates studied in the Religious Studies GCSE and A level exam specifications.
You can find information about booking one of our free, trained school speakers here.
Yes. We can offer teacher training to fit you or your school’s needs. Click here for more information.
Our core knowledge guide has been designed to support just that.
There are many good reasons to include humanism in your RE curriculum. Click here to read about some of them.
Our free online courses are a great way to deepen your knowledge. You’ll also find our recommended books and other resources here.
You will find information about how to sign up to our mailing list here. You can also follow us on Twitter on @HumanismEdu.
Twitter, yes – here. Facebook, no, sorry.
As a rule, humanists don’t have special holidays, although humanist organisations will often organise activities to coincide with days like World Humanist Day or Darwin Day. Many humanists will also happily take part in popular festivals where they live, such as Christmas, as an occasion to gather together with friends and family.
Humanists UK
39 Moreland Street
London EC1V 8BB
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Illustrations by Hyebin Lee